May 2021 • Newsletter
When Kristen completed our recovery program in 2014, she was well on her way to forging a bright new future.
“I had just completed four years of sobriety, the longest I had gone since my mom offered me meth when I was 12 years old. I had become a licensed health and life insurance agent, was living in graduate housing at ASM and doing pretty well.”

Then she received a call that changed
everything. From the time she was
4 years old to the time she was 9,
Kristen suffered sexual abuse at the
hands of her mother’s husband. When
she spoke up, she was blamed by her
mother and was removed from her
home. No charges were ever filed.
Now Kristen learned it was happening
again – this time to the daughter of a
close friend – by the same man.
“The moment I found out, I felt like
a little girl again, ashamed and
isolated. I moved out on my own
and didn’t reach out for support at
ASM. The night I gave my statement
to the police, I started drinking. I
couldn’t understand why God had let this happen to someone else. I got angry, I turned away from God and soon after I relapsed. His trial lasted from 2014-2016 and every day my addiction got worse.”
With the help of Kristen’s statements, her abuser finally received justice. He was found guilty and was sentenced to prison, but at great cost to Kristen. Six weeks after the verdict, Kristen
was arrested on drug related charges and was sentenced to 5 years.
“I knew that once I was arrested, it was God showing up in my life again. I didn’t know for sure that ASM would have me back, but I knew I had to try.”
Your love reached out to Kristen in her time of need. She reapplied and we welcomed her with open arms.
“I’ve learned that sometimes we have to walk through pain in order to overcome it. My confidence is in the Lord that I’m in a safe place to do that.”
Kristen was released from prison at the end of January and is, once again, moving toward that bright future – but this time, with an important lesson learned.
“I was afraid and I went back to drugs and alcohol instead of leaning on my community. I was so broken that I didn’t feel like I could ask for help. Now I reach out to my sponsor about everything. I’ve found my voice and I’m able to use it thanks to ASM.”