September 2022 • Newsletter
God not only transformed Orion’s life, He’s blessing him with a beautiful relationship with his daughter, Addison.
Orion was raised on the family ranch in Chino Valley, AZ. He attended church and Bible studies all the time. But all was not well. His world was rocked by the physical abuse of his father and then stepfather. His mother tried to keep it all together, but the
abuse got much worse and led to a divorce. At age 12 they moved to Phoenix. Orion’s pain and anger led him to a lifestyle of rebellion, frequently getting into trouble, in and out of jail, and using marijuana to help cope. As he aged, the crimes got fewer, but more intense with greater cost. Finally, he ended up in prison where he spent a total of over 16 years.

About 7 years before his release date, he was handed a pamphlet about Along Side Ministries. It sparked his interest. However, it was 3 years later before he got serious about his relationship with God and dedicated his life to Christ. He began participating in ASM discipleship
groups and developed encouraging relationships with ASM’s staff and volunteers. “They reached out to me and helped to pull my life out from the pit. I saw and experienced a living God and developed a very personal relationship.
I consumed the Bible reading from
cover to cover several times during my
last few years of incarceration.”
Since his release, Orion has established a loving nurturing relationship with his 9-year-old daughter Addison whom he had never met. Addison now lives with her father in our graduate housing at ASM and she loves her dad. Orion strives to be the best father he can be and involves Addison in his ministry efforts such as feeding the homeless. He has been a positive influence on other family members as well through his acts of service in helping others, especially his mother. He plans to own his own home, excel in his vocation, build his daughter in the faith, and invest in his church.
Orion credits his success to the love, support, and guidance he received from ASM. Being around healthy Christian people who walk the walk. “ASM is a great environment for men to learn to be real Christian men. My life is a ministry and I desire to be a witness for Christ in all that I do. Our job is to receive from God and then pour our life back into others.” He has a message for those still on the inside; “There are people out here that love you and will help put you on the right path, but you need to be ready. ASM gave me church, a family, and new direction. They gave me everything I needed to be successful.” Orion especially thanks his pastor, the staff, and volunteers of ASM for all the helped they provided, and the gaps they filled with no questions asked.
He would like the world to know that turning your life over to Jesus is the single most important thing on this earth. Seek the Lord and He will guide. Trust in Him. “My story is one of God’s transformation and renewal - rising from the ashes of a broken life.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV) if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.