December 2021
He killed a man, and he ran.
Just 28 years old, he knew he was going to get life in prison.
For three weeks, André evaded the police. But it couldn’t last. He spent more than 2 years in Pima County
André wanted to live for God, but it was hard. The day he finally walked into court for his sentencing, he prepared for the worst.
But he was stunned by what happened.
It would be second-degree, not first-degree, murder. And his sentence would be “only” 12 years.
You or I would be devastated. But André was relieved.
And this Christmas is going to be the best Christmas of his life.
Here’s why....
André’s mother died, mysteriously, when he was just nine years old. He played sports in school; he could have been a star. But he fell in with the wrong crowd. He developed a tough-guy lifestyle. When he felt a member of his family was being threatened, he stepped in. He was the guy they turned to.
But one awful night, it all went ugly fast.
In prison, André was determined to be a godly man. But he knew he needed help. And you stepped in to provide that help.
Your support for Along Side Ministries sent our team into that prison. André applied for our ministry program; we assigned him a mentor. They began a years-long journey together. You were there with André, in spirit, every day, through your generous giving.
André grew in faith. He laid building blocks for his future. He studied God’s Word. He learned skills he would need on the outside.
And the day he was released, this past August, his mentor was there to meet him ... to take him to IHOP for waffles with strawberries and bananas ... and to begin the next phase of his life-journey.
Today, André has a place to live. He has a job. He’s been reunited with his family. He ministers to others who are going through what he once went through. He is making a beautiful positive impact on the world.
He is a shining light for the cause of Christ.
This Christmas, for the first time in many years, André will celebrate Christmas as a free man. And for the first time ever, he will celebrate Christmas as a man of God.
It began with a friend like you. Someone who cared enough for those behind bars — men and women you may never meet this side of heaven. Someone who cared enough for them, with a heart of Christ-like compassion, to give generously to Along Side Ministries.
It’s because of godly people like you that 92% of our graduates stay out of prison — even though 67% of other Arizona inmates wind up back behind bars.
You are empowering the discipling and equipping of incarcerated Christians to transition
successfully into the community.
“There’s nothing like having true brothers and sisters in Christ being right there alongside of you,” André says.
Please give a generous Christmas gift today to keep ministering to men and women in our prisons, and as they move out into our communities.
We’ve received a tremendous $60,000 Christmas Matching Challenge. This means any gift you give today will be matched dollar-for-dollar, its impact literally doubled, up to $60,000. But hurry: the Challenge expires on 12/31.
▶︎ And with the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit, you can receive a dollar-for-dollar credit (not just a deduction) against your state tax liability, as you give to Along Side Ministries today: up to $400 if you file singly, or $800 filing jointly. This means you can essentially give — and change lives, by the power of God’s love — for FREE!
Please be as generous as possible. Thank you in advance! God bless you!
Yours in Christ,

Ken Sheets
Executive Director
“Even though I took a life that day, the Lord still sought to save mine,” André says today. That’s God’s grace. And that’s what you extend as you give to Along Side Ministries. Please make this the best Christmas ever for someone else in Arizona’s prisons. Your gift will be doubled. Thank you again!