Breaking Chains • September 2024 • Newsletter
From Abuse and Neglect to Redemption and Restoration
Matthew’s Story
By the age of 14, Matthew’s parents, both alcoholics in a physically abusive marriage, divorced, leaving Matthew caught in a web of loneliness while moving between his dad’s, mom’s, and sister’s houses. It was years of no actual structure of family life. This led to an angry and confused Matthew, who took on the values of the world and away from his Catholic upbringing.
“When I graduated from high school, I was very sinful. I was dealing drugs. I would get high, get drunk, and sleep around - for my pleasure. I would cheat, steal, and lie.”
This lifestyle continued for years until Matthew committed murder, potentially receiving a 2nd-degree murder sentence. But Matthew had no intent to stand trial and went on the run for 17 years. There were disguises, odd jobs, still in and out of drugs, and even a six-year marriage, all while dodging the authorities.
“I considered myself a gypsy all my life. No stability. No foundation in my life.”
It was not only the law Matthew had been running from, but also from God. This all ended when his best friend witnessed to him, reminded him of God’s grace, and led him through repentance and back to God.
One day, with God’s help, he walked into the sheriff’s office in Winslow, Arizona, and confessed to the murder 17 years earlier, wanting to make things right.
Thanks to Matthew’s surrendering and his confession, the charge of second-degree murder was downgraded to manslaughter, requiring a minimum of 7 years in prison.

Matthew entered prison, a new creature
in Christ, and began attending worship
services immediately. At the Bachman
unit at Lewis Prison, he attended the
ASM services and remembers having a
bookmark with Along Side Ministries on it.
He later asked Chaplain Rutherford about
ASM and soon applied and was accepted
into the program.
“I want to thank my mentor, Dan Norcott, who kept me focused on my path.”
For more years than he can count, bad
parenting had cast a long shadow over
Matthew’s emotional and psychological
well-being. Raised in an environment marked with neglect, excessive unpredictability, and abuse, Matthew grappled with issues such as low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and trust
issues. It is only by the grace of God that Matthew is alive today. He graduated from the Along Side Ministries Discipleship Program on March 10, 2024.
“Heavenly Father, we just want to thank you for loving us in the darkness, our weakest times, and our greatest moments. I know my goal as a graduate of Along Side at this time is to give back where and what I can. God Bless All!” — Matthew Gibson, Program Graduate
No longer an addict but a changed woman walking with God, Racquel was released from prison in 2015 and came to the ASM Women’s Discipleship Center, graduating from the program in December 2015.
What We Do
For the past 25 years, Along Side Ministries has been sharing the love of Christ with the incarcerated and engaging them in Christian discipleship.

Together with our dedicated
volunteers, supportive church partners, generous donors, and valuable relationships within the Arizona Department of Corrections, Along Side Ministries has conducted thousands of services: Church services, small group Bible studies, mentoring sessions, praise & worship musical events, baptisms, and discipleship group sessions.
Inmates and ex-felons have been taught about forgiveness, salvation, spiritual warfare, the blessings of God, freedom in Christ, and so much more.
Along Side Ministries’ Discipleship Program consists of Phase 1: Inside Prison – Discipleship, Mentoring & Preparation for Reentry, and Phase 2: Outside Prison – Safe Housing and Successful Transition to Independent Living.
It is an extraordinarily successful program … 97% of graduates never return to prison. Our total number of graduates who stay out of prison for five years will save Arizona taxpayers
$50 million. But, more importantly, the Word of God is going forth, lives are changed, families are restored, and communities are safer.
Barnabus Ministry
Letters of Encouragement

Perfect for individuals and groups
Inmates are isolated from their friends and family, and often, they come to know Christ, but the world still forgets them, and they know it. Many need someone to talk to, share scripture, and pray with. This is why the Barnabas Ministry – letters of encouragement are so important. Christian inmates need to hear from other Christian brothers and sisters; they
need support and encouragement.
ASM has joined forces with Interfaith Ministries, Chaplain Randy Elliott, a seasoned professional who has led successful inmate letter-writing campaigns for years. We will equip church members like you with comprehensive training, accountability, and safeguards. This expert support system ensures that the correspondence relationship remains healthy and that you, as church members, have a positive experience because of your letters of encouragement to Christian inmates.
As the Barnabas Ministry is an out-of-prison activity, those involved will NOT be required to be badged. This presents a unique opportunity for individuals and church groups to share the gospel with receptive ears, teach the Word to thirsty minds, and pray for those with broken hearts. This ministry can “rev up” your spiritual life and commitment, and your
participation is crucial.
Call 602-995-9484 for details or go
A Transformed Life points everyone’s attention to God!
